WHY EXHIBIT with us?

Exhibit with tech.STARS for a unique experience that combines community connection, festival fun, showcasing opportunities, networking, learning, and innovation in the tech world, promising an unforgettable experience beyond just business.

Exhibitors * Exhibitors * Exhibitors * 

Community Vibes

We’re not just another exhibition- we’re a tight-knit community of tech lovers, dreamers, and doers. Connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for innovation and collaboration. It’s more than just business; it’s about building meaningful relationships and having a blast along the way.

Festival Fun

Who says tech events have to be boring? At tech.STARS, we’re all about infusing a little fun into everything we do. From interactive demos to live entertainment, our festival is more like a carnival of tech wonders. Come for the innovation, stay for the good times!


Got a killer product, service, or solution you’re itching to show off? This is your chance to shine! Set up shop on the show floor and strut your stuff in front of a captive audience of industry insiders, investors, and potential customers. It’s your time to shine, so don’t hold back!

Mix and MINGLE

Rub elbows with the who’s who of the tech world and expand your network like never before. Whether you’re looking for new collaborators, investors, or just some cool new friends, you’ll find them all at tech.STARS. Grab a drink, strike up a conversation, and let the good times roll!


Sure, we’re here to have a good time, but we’re also serious about staying ahead of the curve. Dive into insightful discussions, catch inspiring talks, and soak up all the knowledge you can handle. With a lineup of top-notch community stars and thought leaders, you’ll leave feeling inspired and ready to take on the world.

So what are

Come join the party at tech.STARS and be part of something truly special.

Join the community 

Get ready to join the ultimate tech party at tech.STARS! We’re all about bringing together the coolest folks in the industry for a good ol’ fashioned tech festival extravaganza.

(tick all that applies)