Perché partecipare * Perché partecipare * Perché partecipare *
Incontra una community tecnologica in piena espansione, esplora gli ultimi progressi nell’AI e nella data science e goditi un mix unico di networking e intrattenimento a tech.STARS Milano.
Unisciti a una community vivace di persone appassionate di tecnologia, riunite in occasione di tech.STARS Milano. Da chi ama sguazzare tra i dati agli appassionati di infrastrutture digitali, la nostra comunità prospera grazie all’innovazione e allo spirito di squadra. Incontra nuove persone, stabilisci relazioni ed esplora le possibilità offerte dal meraviglioso e complesso mondo della tecnologia.
Stai al passo con le ultime tecnologie relative all’AI, alla data science e ai data centre. Scopri in prima persona nuovi prodotti e soluzioni e impara come queste innovazioni si applicano a scenari reali.
Esplora un nuovo modo di fare networking tra colleghi. All’interno delle sue Arene, tech.STARS ha previsto demo interattive, intrattenimento dal vivo e anche qualche sorpresa! Troverai uno spazio aperto alla collaborazione, all’innovazione e al divertimento.
tech.STARS Milano è stato creato dalla community per te. Prendi parte ai dibattiti animati dai nostri esperti ed esperte e partecipa ai workshop. Contribuisci e condividi i tuoi pensieri in una delle nostre masterclass. Personalizza la tua esperienza in base alle tue esigenze.
Fai networking con professionisti della tecnologia, trova opportunità di carriera e costruisci una rete preziosa di contatti. Incontra la nuova generazione, le tech.STARS di domani, e scopri la bellezza della collaborazione.
Come join the party at tech.STARS and be part of something truly special.
Content Topics
- Investment & Policy
- Sustainability & Green Initiatives
- Smart Automation
- Impact of AI on enterprises
- Data Driven Approaches
- Innovation & Technology
- Digital Transformation
- Industry Use-Cases
- Technology impact for SME’s
Industry Verticals
- Manufacturing
- Banking, Finance & Insurance
- Automotive & Mobility
- Design & Creative
- Fashion
- Logistics
- Retail
- Healthcare
- Media
Content Topics
- Investment & Policy
- Sustainability & Green Initiatives
- Smart Automation
- Impact of AI on enterprises
- Data Driven Approaches
- Innovation & Technology
- Digital Transformation
- Industry Use-Cases
- Technology impact for SME’s
Industry Verticals
- Manufacturing
- Banking, Finance & Insurance
- Automotive & Mobility
- Design & Creative
- Fashion
- Logistics
- Retail
- Healthcare
- Media
Meet some of
Francesco Bonfiglio
Co-founder & Ceo, Dynamo
Carlo Alberto Carnevale Maffè
Associate Professor of Practice of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, SDA Bocconi
Anna di Silverio
Europe President, Avanade
Agostino Santoni
Vice President, Confindustria
Dr. Esther Reinhardt
AI Expert, HMTM
Stefano Sordi
General Manager Online, Aruba
Lu Han
Program Director, Open Bosch
Dr. Johannes Klepsch
AI Expert, Gradial Data
Ann Dempsey
Founder, Hibernian Recruitment
Dr. Carsten Bange
Founder & CEO, BARC
Dr. Philipp Müller
Policy Leader, Harvard University
Markus Bohl
Managing Director, Intel Ignite
Prof. Dr. Orestis Papakyriapoulos
Responsible AI Expert, TUM
What our community
“Fantastic new format! Thank you.”
“Thank you very much for this highly interesting, very finely curated event with incredibly smart and profound discussions on the topic of AI. It was an absolute pleasure to join.”
“Absolutely impressive. Really cool format with lots of room to exchange new ideas and to connect with young AI talent and leaders across industries. Thanks for hosting this event.”
“Thank you for hosting and organising this event! You're providing a platform to so many cool people. I look forward to the next time!”
“Thank you for bringing us all together at the Data & AI Leaders Forum – what a great opportunity to connect with new/old friends and like-minded people! It was a brilliant gathering for thought leaders and innovators shaping our AI future.”
“Amazing event. Looking forward to next iterations.”
“Enjoyed speaking at Data & AI Leaders Forum, a gathering for thought leaders shaping the AI future. Huge thanks to the organisers for the event. Let’s keep incentivizing innovation and building communities to collaborate like this forum!”
Get ready to join the ultimate tech party at tech.STARS! We’re all about bringing together the coolest folks in the industry for a good ol’ fashioned tech festival extravaganza.
Quando e Dove?
Giovedì 06.03.2025
8:30 – 20:00
Venerdì 07.03.2025
8:30 – 18:00
Superstudio Più
Via Tortona, 27
20144 Milano